Fullerton College Centennial


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I chose to attend Fullerton College, because my family was not able to pay for my education. In high school I expected that they would be able to pay for my education and I planned on going straight to a four-year university. My first semester was difficult because I did not know how to register for school and I was only able to register for two classes. Before registering for my second semester I heard about a program called TAP and I knew I could get the classes I needed by signing up. My experience in tap has been a great one and I didn't expect it to be so helpful to me. Had I not known about the transfer achievement program, I do not think I would be where I am today. Not only did I learn a lot about transferring, but I learned a lot about myself as a student. My original plan was to study nursing, and I was not going to change my mind. However, my counseling classes have changed my perception, and I have changed my major to psychology. My overall experience at Fullerton College has been a great one, and I am proud of how far I have come with the help of the people here.